I am a Mets fan. I hate the Yankees. I hate the Phillies. I hate the possibility of a Yankees-Phillies World Series, although I know it might very well happen. However, if the world is to continue spinning on its axis, we CANNOT have a Yankees-Phillies Fall Classic (or Fall Crassic, if you will). I'm Joey and here is why this matchup could be a potential disaster.
As Mets fans, how could we root for either team? Yay, Derek Jeter just struck out with the bases loaded! Oh wait, it was Cole Hamels who struck him out. Woohoo, Utley just let a ball go through his legs! Here comes A-Rod to score the go-ahead run. Ugh! See what I mean?
This potential World Series matchup would be like 1999 all over again for Mets fans. In 1999, Kenny Rogers roasted the Mets and their fans by walking every member of the Atlanta Braves in the bottom of the 11th.
Random thought: Perhaps this is where Oliver Perez learned his mantra of "walks are part of the game". If he was going to learn from a master, he should have learned from Pai Mei and not from the Gambler.

Because of Kenny's donations to the Atlanta Frequent Walker Club, we were subjected to a Yankees-Braves World Series. I was not alive then, but my colleague was. He told me that he did not watch a single pitch of that World Series because he couldn't root for the Bronx Bummers or the team that prevented the Mets from playing on.
Although the same teams faced each other in the 1996 World Series, the Braves did not have the same rivalry with the Mets in '96 as they did in '99 (the Mets were 71-91 in 1996). Therefore, that World Series wasn't as unwatchable as the '99 Series was.
If Studious Metsimus is going to cover the 2009 World Series, we would probably need to watch at least one pitch of it. I can be sure that if the Yankees play the Phillies, we'll be watching "Ghost Hunters" or the series premiere of "V" instead.
In addition to it being an unwatchable World Series for Mets fans, please recall that the Yankees and Phillies have played each other in the World Series once before. That was in 1950, when the Yankees swept the so-called "Whiz Kids", which was the stupid name the Phillies were playfully known as that season. What happened after that World Series? The USA entered the Korean War and the Yankees went on to win the next three World Series.

Let's hope the Angels and Dodgers can pull out victories in their respective series to prevent our hated rivals from winning a pennant and playing for a World Series Championship.
I would like to watch baseball in November and not have to worry that a particular fan base will be spending the entire winter bragging about their pennant and/or championship. Besides, I'm getting the feeling those aren't real ghosts being recorded on the infrared vision and EVP recorders on "Ghost Hunters" anyway.
dont be jealous
you can root for the phillies because they're players aren't as grossly overpaid as the yanks. also they're team is built from the ground up for the most part again unlike the yanks.
We had to do Red Sox-Mets in 1986, just deal with it.
I can only imagine what these blogs will look like next week if this Fall Crassic becomes reality.
Sarcasm meets Armageddon.
I wont watch if Yank and Phil are in the WS.
mets suck
As a Yankees fan, I fine this blog very funny. The Phillies won last night and are now 3-1. The Yankees will beat the Angels in the next 2 games. 2009 World Series: Yankees v. Phillies. The Yanks will win and add win number 27 to the list.
How do you figure so easily that the Yankees win a Phillies-Yankees world series. Overall, I think they are VERY even. position by position I think the Phillies have an edge. Pitching goes to the Yankees, but not by much and considering that the Phillies kill top tier pitching, the Yankees are going to be in for a fight.
By the way...the Mets suck
No you are wrong. Any team but the DoucheBags from NY. Money can buy you alot of things & it can also buy you a championship. What other team could afford to pick up CC, Texeria, & AJ, let alone keep PrettyBoy.
For the last 12 yrs it has been either the Yanks or Red Sox come from the AL EAST. What a JOKE!!
Baseball needs something, Re-alignment? balanced schedule? once you are in the box, that's hit, the pitcher can pitch? ..... something to change this Bullshit where we see the same team, yr after yr.
I thought Bettman was a douche but Selig is the biggest douche bag in terms of commissioner of a sport.
If they do play, I just want a sweep...just to get this nightmare over with as soon as possible!
Well the phillies are in and Yankees might as well just starting gettin ready for the W.S cause the angels are dead. I will watch this world series because it is evenly matched and I think it will be the phillies in game 6 or 7 winning the series. O and if the mets didn't wanna watch this they shouldn't have sucked sooo much.
I'm sorry but the Phillies and Yankees are the best two teams in the NL and AL....I am prejudice being a Phillies fan but come on just watch their team play not as a Mets Fan or a Phillies fan but as a baseball fan and you can't deny that they are just a great team.
As a Mets fan, I'm basically in a "whoever wins, wins" mood. I am amazed that Brad Lidge has come back the way he has. Sure picked the right time to do it, didn't he?
Are Phillies phans going to reprise their "You Took Steroids" chant when A-Rod comes up to bat at CBP?
Yes the chant shall be screamed even louder at A-rod!
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